
Free Adult Yoga Classes from Atlanta Ballet all Month!

Join us in September for National Yoga Month
Take advantage of FREE yoga at all Centre studios

September is National Yoga month! Take any of the following Yoga classes at any Atlanta Ballet location for FREE during the month of September! Yoga mats are on sale this month for $20 at the Atlanta Ballet Boutique.*

Tuesdays | 7:30-8:30pm with L. Dreiling at the Buckhead Centre

Wednesdays | 6:15-7:15pm with C. Gebhardt at the Cobb Centre

Thursdays | 2:15-3:15pm with A. Brock at the Michael C. Carlos Dance Centre

Click here for a complete listing of Adult Open Division classes.

*Yoga mats are sold exclusively in the Boutique at the Michael C. Carlos Dance Centre.
Centre for Dance Education image by Kim Kenney.