
Meet Camino Real’s Gutman and the Cleaners

Gutman and the Cleaners

Gutman, the menacing proprietor of the Siete Mares Hotel, maintains a chokehold on the hapless residents of the Camino Real with the help of the Cleaners, a trio of underworld thugs that do his dirty work. Kilroy is his new target.

Atlanta Ballet presents this world premiere at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre, March 20 - 22, 2015!

Choreography by Helen Pickett
Sound and Music Design by Peter Salem
Costume Design by Sandra Woodall
Scenic Design by David Finn and Emma Kingsbury
Lighting Design by David Finn

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Header: Tara Lee and Heath Gill. Photo by Charlie McCullers.
Body: Jacob Bush, Peng-Yu Chen, Rachel Van Buskirk, and John Welker. Photo by Charlie McCullers.
"Camino Real: Meet Gutman and the Cleaners;" video by Brian Wallenberg.