Atlanta Busines Chronicle: "Something Transformational Happening at Atlanta Ballet"

Atlanta Ballet just launched the public phase of "The Time is Now" capital campaign that aims to raise $23.5 million. These funds will support the creation of new works (including a new Nutcracker for December 2018), audience building efforts, increased community access for and expansion of the Centre for Dance Education's programs, growth of the current endowment, and planned capital and maintenance expenses.
"So far, $15.1 million has been raised towards the campaign. The largest donation to the campaign has come from the Thalia N. and Chris M. Carlos Foundation – a $3 million challenge grant to underwrite the Atlanta Ballet’s new Nutcracker production, which will debut in December 2018. The Carlos gift and the match would cover the $6 million cost to revamp the Nutcracker.
The campaign also has received several other major gifts. Of the $15.1 million that’s been raised, $8 million has come from board members (including Chris Carlos). It also included a $2 million anonymous gift, according to Steven Libman, the Atlanta Ballet’s chief advancement officer.
Other major donors include the Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, which made a gift of $1.25 million; the City of Atlanta, which has provided a $1 million grant; and the PNC Foundation, which has awarded $500,000 to support the Atlanta Ballet’s performances and education programs through 2024."
- Maria Saporta, Atlanta Business Chronicle
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